NYC Community Standards and Guidelines
The NYC is dedicated to promoting discussion and debate using all platforms – including online forums such as our website and all our social media channels.
We encourage anyone to participate in these spaces and share their ideas in a respectful and constructive way. It is important that all voices are welcome and heard, so that we can all create vibrant and insightful discussions. This is also why we produce articles, videos and podcasts regularly to get you thinking about the issues related to youth employment and transitions in Australia. If you have any idea for an article, or want to contribute something yourself, get in touch with us at
While everyone is welcome in all our forums, certain behaviour will not be tolerated including:
- Aggressive and abusive behaviour towards other community members
- Defamation and attacks on community members
- Discrimination, sexism, ableism, racism or any exclusionary behaviour such as this
- Spam and irrelevant/unrelated posts
Should any of this kind of behaviour be detected, we will remove these comments. We will also block repeat offenders.
If you are in a debate or conversation where the community rules are breached, please let us know immediately and do not engage with the behaviour any further. You can contact us via