
There are currently 275,000 young people under the age of 24 years who are not in education, employment or training. This is the missing workforce who could address our skills shortages. The National Youth Commission’s inquiry into Youth Employment and Transitions shows significant gaps in how Australia engages young people into secure work. A Youth Jobs Guarantee Paper makes eight key recommendations to improve outcomes for those young people currently disengaged from the labour market.

A New Report on Senior Secondary Education

Australian kids are doing it tough to learn the basics, Senior Secondary School has systemic issues on funding that is leaving young Australians behind. It is vital that more is done to improve education across the country. Several recommendations are included in this report with an emphasis for using needs based funding to address the critical shortfalls in education.

A New Report on the Climate Crisis: Code Red For Humanity

Young people must be taught the new skills and knowledge so that the next generation of workers are ready for the new industries. Failure to do so will lead to future skills shortages and slow the development of the new industries.

A New Report on Youth Apprenticeships and Traineeships

A decade of TAFE cuts has left Australia struggling to fill urgent gaps in the workforce across industries. Read the latest report on Youth Apprenticeships and Traineeships, including 6 recommendations on how young people can be supported in skilled based training and education.

Image of young man leaning on bike stand with text over the top

A Renewed Commitment To Address Youth Homelessness And Housing  

Over the past 15 years, successive governments have failed homeless young people. This report summarises the key issues that emerged during hearings conducted by the Commission and present four areas for strategic action.

Image of young people sitting with laptops and paper in ciricle

Careers Education ‘You Can’t Be What You Can’t See’: Careers Education In Secondary Schools 

Careers Education in secondary schools varies across the country in quality. This report summarises the key issues that emerged during hearings conducted by the Commission and presents four recommendations that the Commission believes will improve students’ careers education as you can’t be what you can’t see.

Image of young barista with text over the top

A Youth Employment Services Guarantee: Making Youth Employment Services Fit For Purpose

The enduring and systemic problems associated with the privatised employment services model are well documented. This report provides a summary of the key issues as they emerged during the hearings conducted by the Commission and presents a number of recommendations which the Commission firmly believes will enhance the delivery of services to unemployed young people.

A Youth Transport Guarantee: The Great Job Enabler

Our research has found transport disadvantage is rampant throughout the country. Transport is an incredibly important and often overlooked aspect of youth employment, and it significantly limits young people’s options for work and study.


Young people experience transport disadvantage, such as poor public transport, cost prohibitive taxi/rideshare costs, barriers to getting a driver licence and the cost of running a car, at higher rates than older people.


Our new report presents the three key issues in transport disadvantage and presents achievable recommendations for improving transport systems and access for young people everywhere.

A Youth Income Guarantee: A Fair and Accessible Income Support System for Young People

Our new report, the Youth Income Guarantee reveals that young people are struggling to afford basic necessities such as rent, food, bills and medicine, and often having to choose between them.


We proposes an overhaul of the current income support system for young people through Federal Government implementation of nine recommendations, including instituting a Youth Income Guarantee as a single income support model for young people.


If implemented, the Youth Income Guarantee will create a pathway to ensure young people are better prepared for employment, encourage greater use of incentives for work or study, reduce youth poverty, reduce youth homelessness and lower debt amongst young people.

Costing the Proposed Youth Income Guarantee

The National Youth Commission Australia’s proposed Youth Income Guarantee will require the Australian Government to spend more on income support for young people. This paper estimates the additional cost of the proposed model.


The following short paper demonstrates how we costed the Youth Income Guarantee, and justifications for that costing approach.

Youth Futures Guarantee: A New Deal for Young People

Many young people successfully navigate their way from education to employment and independence, but many get left behind. This Inquiry by the National Youth Commission Australia (NYCA) was prompted by our concern that an increasing number of young people are struggling to make this transition. It also addresses the lack of any major initiative by Australian governments to investigate and address these escalating problems.


Australia’s future well-being and standard of living will depend critically on the next generation of young people. The Youth Futures Guarantee lays out a framework of reforms and initiatives that will support young people to meet the great challenges of the future, but these also benefit Australian businesses and the wider Australian community.

What Future? Inquiry into Youth Employment and Transitions Interim Findings Report

The NYCA Inquiry’s Interim Report presents findings about the conditions for success needed by young people as they navigate their transitions from school to work, and from entry into the labour force towards sustainable employment.


This is an Interim Report because the Inquiry process is designed to ensure that the Commission can validate our analysis of the evidence gathered and test the ideas for policy reform: better ways to engage young people; the resources that need to be invested, shared, or reconfigured; and suggestions about who needs to be involved in the changes.

Positions Vacant? Youth Employment in Australia

Positions Vacant? Youth Employment in Australia 

Young people are exhorted to get an education and be prepared to work hard to gain a secure job and lead a comfortable life.


But this connection is breaking down, with income and job prospects for younger people increasingly under threat in a rapidly changing economy and labour market.


Our latest Discussion Paper reveals that several systems need to mesh together to support young people to make a successful school-to-work transition. It seeks to inspire fresh thinking about how governments, educators, employers and communities can do better.

Read the latest report on Apprenticeships and Traineeships including 6 recommendations to improve outcomes for young people seeking employment through skills based education.

Addressing the Climate Crisis and the Youth Futures Guarantee for secure work.